At Keep Hatch, PSHE is fully embedded in children’s everyday routine. Our intent is to deliver a PSHE curriculum that is accessible to all and will maximise the outcomes for every child. We have strong school values that are respected and demonstrated by our children at all times; inside and outside of school. Our values are intrinsically linked to everything the children do at school and are a key part in the delivery of our well-rounded curriculum.
Our PSHE curriculum intends to teach children to be healthy, safe and well-equipped for modern life. Pupils foster lifelong aspirations, goals and values and develop a tolerance of the views and opinions of others. In order to cover all elements of PSHE in an effective way, it is taught through a range of implicit and explicit learning opportunities and is embedded throughout the curriculum. The PSHE content is complemented by whole school events such as assemblies, enrichment days and charity days throughout the year.
All year groups follow the ‘Jigsaw’ scheme which covers six areas: Being me in my world, celebrating differences, dreams and goals, healthy me, relationships and changing me. In addition to these key areas, PSHE elements are covered.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development is the over-arching umbrella that encompasses personal development across the whole curriculum.