Message from the Head
Welcome to Keep Hatch Primary School. Our main aim for all Keep Hatch pupils is for them to enjoy coming to school, be enthusiastic learners and develop confidence and resilience to prepare them for their future. Our school provides a safe, secure environment where children can engage in a stimulating curriculum that enables them to make the best possible progress. We continue to strive for the very best for our pupils and, in turn, we expect to receive the very best effort from them.
We teach the children to set themselves high expectations, use their growth mind-set to believe in themselves, and this will help them to achieve their goals. This is underpinned by our vision statement:
Aspire ~ Believe ~ Achieve
Keep Hatch is part of Frays multi academy trust. We work with the other schools in the academy and we are committed, as part of the vision of the Trust, that all children should reach their potential and achieve standards at least in line and, we hope, above national expectations.
At the heart of our school are the children; Keep Hatch pupils are enthusiastic, full of ideas, welcoming and kind to one another. Our committed staff work very hard together to make Keep Hatch a happy and creative place for the children to flourish and grow. The stunning displays around the building show how proud we are to celebrate the children’s achievements and demonstrate the enjoyment and challenges that are at the heart of successful learning.
We truly believe that as children leave Keep Hatch, they have the strong foundations needed to move onto their next stages in education.
We are always continuing to develop strong partnerships with parents and carers as we believe this is one of the best ways in which children achieve their very best. Do come in and see for yourself; the Keep Hatch team will be proud to show you our school.
Mrs Appleby