At Keep Hatch Primary School, we recognise that pupils are living within an increasingly technological world. Therefore, our aim is for all pupils to learn how to use technology safely, with confidence and competence so that they have the necessary experiences and skills to prepare them for secondary school and beyond.
We aim to deliver a relevant, progressive Computing curriculum where pupils learn Computing skills through four ‘Golden Threads.’ These are substantive skills that pupils learn and build upon each year, from EYFS to Year 6.
The Golden Threads include:
To Connect
Learning how to use technology safely and respectfully.
To Communicate
Learning to become digitally literate: retrieving digital content, creating using a variety of digital tools and sharing digital information using age-appropriate tools.
To Collect
Learning how to collect, understand and evaluate data.
To Code
Learning how to design, write and debug programs.
Pupils have many opportunities to learn and practice these Computing skills. Every class has a weekly Computing lesson and all pupils have access to a range of ICT equipment including Chromebooks and iPads. In addition, each class has an Interactive Whiteboard and teaching is often delivered using this technology. Wherever possible, we use Computing. as a cross-curricular tool to not only reinforce Computing skills, but to enhance learning across the curriculum.
At Keep Hatch, we use the Purple Mash schemes of work as a basis for our Computing curriculum. This cloud-based website provides lesson plans and resources for each year group and ensures a clear progression of skills from EYFS to Year 6. It also gives pupils a safe platform to learn important Computing skills such as email, blogging and coding. In addition to Purple Mash, additional software and resources are used to ensure that Computing lessons are exciting, relevant and challenging for pupils.
As well as the benefits of ICT we are also aware of the risks and challenges offered by the technologically rich world in which we live. At Keep Hatch, we educate pupils to use technology safely and respectfully and ensure they know how to get help, both on and offline. We also educate pupils about the meaning of digital footprint and the understanding that what they share impacts upon others in the long term. Therefore, we prepare our children to stay safe online through a robust Online Safety Curriculum, as well as promoting online safety through the annual Safer Internet Day.