
Oakwood Adventure 2021

Year 6 have just returned from their residential and what a few days it turned out to be.  Firstly, the weather was glorious so we could really take advantage of the wonderful outdoor activities and open space that Oakwood had to offer.  We had opportunity to climb, abseil, mountain board, jump from great heights, build shelters, become archers, work as a team and overcome our fears together. We had so much fun  and have definitely formed #Team Year 6.  We now know that we can cope with anything this year throws at us and achieve great things as we have already achieved so much together.

The Year 6  behaviour was impeccable and their sense of fun was contagious.  What a wonderful week of laughter, support, resilience, courage and perseverance.  Our school values were shown in abundance and we couldn’t be more proud of each and every one of the children that made up our team.

A big well done from all of the staff.