Sports Day 2023

Before sports day the children took part in a Intra -House round robin of athletic based activities, run by our sports ambassadors and year 5, 6 children. The children tried long jump, throwing, relays. The results from this were added up to be counted towards the sports day results.
We enjoyed a split sports day this year. Upper school completed fitness class based activities while lower school were competing in their sports day. Then after lunch upper school competed in their sports day races, while lower school completed their classroom based tasks.
We all came back together to find out the sports day winners! Unfortunately the rain, rained off the teachers and parents races. Hopefully, next year, the sun will be shining for us!
We welcomed the nursery to start off our races again. The children took part in varies races- flat, long distance and an obstacle race. Some children also represented their house in a year group relay.
It was a fun morning for lower school and fantastic to see so many families cheering on the children. The children enjoyed supporting each other and it was a wonderful atmosphere.
The family picnic was a fantastic success as always and so lovely to see everyone enjoying a picnic together.
So for the results –
4th place Armstrong
3rd place Sharman
2nd place Jemison
1st place Peake
Well done to all children and staff. It was a great day.