Thank you to all families for coming along to our new starters' induction this week. You will find the PowerPoint presentation below. We look forward to welcoming our new Puffins and Sparrows to Keep Hatch in September!
The Puffins and Sparrows are settling beautifully into Keep Hatch. We have been busy during our ‘All About Me’ topic getting to know each other and our new school. This week, we have been learning about different types of jobs and jo
Earlier in the week, the Puffins and Sparrows brought their bike/scooter to school for the day as part of our transport topic. It was so much fun riding around the circuit together which included a tricky incline called Spuffin Hill and a pit stop wh
Over the last two weeks, the Puffins and Sparrows have been learning about China and Chinese New Year. We started our topic with the story ‘The Chinese New Year Race.’ We learnt about how people might celebrate Chinese New Year and compar
The Puffins and Sparrows are having a wonderful Christmas time. We started our topic by looking at different versions of the Nativity story, making stables and learning to put numbers in order. The children have also been learning to write Chris
Over the last few weeks, the Puffins and Sparrows have been learning about Autumn. We have been making the most of windy, autumnal days by going on Autumn hunts, making leaf pictures and looking out for Sam the Squirrel collecting his nuts for the Wi
Wow! What a brilliant time we have had learning all about Dinosaurs. The Puffins and Sparrows have enjoyed reading dinosaur stories and poems, dinosaur themed PE, creating patterns using dinosaur stamps, thinking of our own dinosaur names, making vol
The Puffins and Sparrows are settling beautifully into Keep Hatch. We have been busy during our ‘All About Me’ topic getting to know each other and our new environment. We have also enjoyed meeting people at school who help us like Mr Moi