Year 2
Year 2
Kingfishers and Skylarks
Welcome to Year 2
We expect Year 2 children to show good behaviour, care and support for the younger children, and to become more independent learners and thinkers. We are here to support and guide and to ensure that learning is fun.
Phonics is taught daily in Key Stage One through a range of activities. We follow the phonics scheme ‘Read, Write, Inc’ which teaches children individual sounds and how to blend them for reading and writing. The children have access to a rich variety of reading books linked to their phonics learning, as well as an additional home reader they can share with somebody at home when reading for pleasure.
Please see the Year 2 Curriculum Overview below which outlines what your child will be learning this year. If you wish to find out any further information about your child’s learning, please make an appointment to speak to the class teacher.
Curriculum Information
Year 2 – Curriculum Overview 2024-2025
Maths policy – Addition
Maths policy – Subtraction
Maths policy – Multiplication
Maths policy – Division