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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Accessibility is very important to us at Keep Hatch Primary School. We work very hard to welcome and support all members of the Keep Hatch School community. When visiting, please do tell us if you will require any support for your additional needs or disabilities. Any information shared with the school will be kept in confidence.

A message from Mrs Caird, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator at Keep Hatch Primary School

Children make progress at different rates and have different ways in which they learn best. Your child’s teacher will take account of this by looking carefully at how they plan their lessons, arrange the classroom and adult support; and the provision of scaffolding via learning resources. The teacher will then choose suitable ways to help your child learn from a range of activities, so that your child is challenged but able to achieve success.

The term ‘special educational needs’ refers to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age, and many children will have additional needs of some kind at some time during their education.

If your child is making slower progress or having particular difficulties in one area, they may be given extra help or different tasks. Just because your child is making slower progress than you expected or the teachers are providing different support, help or activities in class, this doesn’t necessarily mean that your child has special educational needs. The class teacher will keep you informed of your child’s progress at parents’ evenings, during informal conversations, additional planned meetings and in the annual school report. You are also warmly encouraged to ask your child’s class teacher about their progress at any point during the school year.

Some children can experience even more difficulties than most children their age with:

  •  reading, writing and/or maths
  • expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying
  • making friends or relating to adults
  • managing their emotions and feelings in school
  • organising themselves
  • a range of sensory or physical needs

Children experiencing greater difficulties in these areas might be identified as having special educational needs and if an outside agency becomes involved they will be placed on the school’s special educational needs register. Every teacher and teaching assistant at Keep Hatch Primary School works hard to ensure that when these children are identified, Mrs Caird (SENDCo), and parents become aware at the earliest possible opportunity. With the support of the SENDCo and in partnership with parents, additional help is planned and provided to support and positively impact the child’s progress and confidence.

Help and support for children with special educational needs will usually be provided in school by school staff; however, advice and guidance will also sometimes be provided with the help or advice from outside specialists after careful consultation with parents.

See also the Keep Hatch Primary School Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy; our Special Educational Needs Information Report and our Accessibility Plan which are all on the Policies page.

You are very welcome to contact your child’s class teacher or Mrs Caird (SENDCo), via the school office, if you have any concerns about your child’s learning or development.

Local Information and Support

For more detailed information about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities support and provision from Wokingham Borough Council and at Keep Hatch Primary School, please visit Wokingham Local Offer for SEND.