We follow the Real Legacy scheme which is an inclusive approach with the ambition that PE is a positive experience for EVERY child. The ambitious real PE curriculum enables all children to flourish and experience success throughout their primary school phase. Through a carefully planned and sequenced curriculum, which starts in EYFS, children build, revisit, and develop skills and knowledge as they progress through school, thereby developing a strong sense of self-efficacy.
The scheme teaches children Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) and key learning behaviours to help achieve that ambition. These skills move from a thematic approach in EYFS and KS1, to a skill focused approach in KS2, to build from simple to complex ideas, and are further developed through stories, competitions and games. In addition to core real PE, these skills can be developed and extended in real gym and real dance.
Real PE is a curriculum that includes:
- structured and progressive physical development challenges
- skill application opportunities that involve rules
- strategies and tactics that are age and stage appropriate
- integrated review sessions that focus on healthy participation
These enable children to progress and know ‘how’ to get better at PE, as well as developing a positive relationship with physical activity for life. Children explore a Health and Fitness unit each academic year and the lesson review provides an option to reflect on healthy participation. This supports children’s decision making when choosing a physical activity and how to apply rules and tactics appropriately
Alongside the PE curriculum we also offer a wide range of clubs, run by staff and coaches. Children have the opportunity to represent the school in football, cross country and athletics competitions.
Children take part in Intra-house competitions every half term to earn points for their school houses. These include, ball skills, sports day, athletics, gymnastics and swimming gala. Year 5 and 6 children run these competitions, demonstrating each task and taking score.
We encourage children to be active during break times using our friendship squad children, who play games, active markings on the playgrounds and playground equipment.
During the school day children take part in Hatchercise which could include, a 5-minute jog outside, movements breaks in the classroom, yoga or mindfulness activities.