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Do you have a child born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021?  If so, you must apply for your child to start primary school in September 2025 by Wednesday 15 January 2025. Admissions to Keep Hatch Primary School are handled by Wokingham Borough Council. Our oversubscription criteria is included within our Admission Policy here.

How to apply

Wokingham Borough residents must apply using the application forms provided by the Borough. Residents of other local authorities must apply to their home authority for schools in the Wokingham Borough.
You may apply direct to Wokingham Borough Council, including families moving to the Borough from abroad, if you can provide evidence of a move to the borough (e.g. exchange of contracts or signed rental agreement).
Families of service personnel or other Crown servants may apply direct to us if an assignment order can be provided. Refer to the Wokingham Borough website for further information or to the School Admissions Team for help and advice.

For applications for starting school in September 2025, National Offer Day is Wednesday 16th April 2025.  The deadline for receipt of appeals is Wednesday 21st May 2025.  Details of how to appeal are included in the Admissions Policy above.

For details of how we process in-year applications please see the relevant admission policy.

Please see our appeals timetable for further details and deadlines.

Wokingham Borough Council School Admissions Team contact details:

Tel: 0118 974 6245
Tel: 0118 974 6143
Tel: 0118 974 6111
Tel: 0118 974 6146
Tel: 0118 974 6113

Fax: 0118 974 6135
