Cross Country comp at Cantley Park 9th March 2023
Our third cross country competition is at Cantley Park on the 9th March.
We are walking to this competition and any parent help to walk with us there would be greatly appreciated. We will be leaving school at 12.45pm. Otherwise please collect children from Cantley Park after their race.
We can walk the course after 1pm. The races are as follows-
Race Order:
First Race yr 3/4 girls – 2.00pm
Second Race yr 3/4 boys – 2.15pm
Third race Yr 5/6 girls – 2.30pm
Fourth race Yr 5/6 boys -2.45pm
Race Assembly Area:
The assembly area is next to the new playground near the Tennis Centre.
Toilets and refreshments:
These are located inside the Cafe on the right hand side as you enter inside. There is an excellent café on the left hand side that we are allowed to use.
Course route:
There is a good wide start and it’s a very visible open course. The course is fairly flat but can be extremely muddy. Spikes are NOT SUITABLE.
Year 3/4 – 1.4Km approx.. –
Year 5/6 – 1.8Km approx.
We are looking forward to seeing you there.
The cross country team