School Games
As a school we have recently signed up to participate in the local School Games competitions. The School Games is funded by Sport England and delivered by School Games Organisers (SGOs) at a local level to create an annual calendar of competitions and festivals.
We recently sent out letters asking for information regarding your child and any sports clubs they attend. This helps to inform us when choosing children to take part. Some of the competitions ask for little or no experience and some need previous or current experience. Each term a range of competitions are on offer, which we sign up for but it is on a first come first serve basis. Therefore, some terms we will go to more than others. If your child is chosen they will be sent a letter.
School Games provides children with the opportunity to have fun, learn, and achieve personal bests. There is a strong emphasis on inclusion at School Games events to ensure all children are given the opportunity to take part, whether they have previous experience or not.
Participants are encouraged to follow the School Games values: determination, honesty, passion, respect, self-belief, and teamwork.
If you wish to find out more, here is the website for School Games.
We look forward to attending as many competitions as we can with the children.
Mrs Somerville & Miss Connelly