Cognitive Cog Information

As introduced last half-term, we have created some cog information that we feel will help to improve oracy and behaviour in PE.
Attached are two documents: cognitive cog information and the cognitive cog review questions.
Cognitive cog information:
This document includes an oversight into what the cogs are, and how this specific cog helps to improve learning for the children in PE and other curriculum areas. It gives examples of how it will help to develop the whole child, and shows how this may also be referred to in other lessons/subjects. Below this, we have written the key focus, and the emerging, expected and exceeding statements for each year group, to help you gather an understanding of what your children should be achieving. This is going home to parents, so please make sure you read this document in case they have any questions for you regarding PE.
This can help with our recent focus of behaviour too, by introducing hatchies/rewards/extra break strategies focusing on this cog. For example, in Year 3, the key focus of the cognitive cog is recognising success, and so they could earn hatchies/rewards by giving peers positive praise, explaining what they are doing well and watching others perform (things mentioned in the emerging/expected/exceeding statements). All the information you’d need is on this document, and so please do use this to help embed those learning behaviours and manners.
Cognitive cog review questions:
Also attached are the 6 cognitive cog review questions. These are displayed in the sports hall, next to the current cog poster, underneath an 'Oracy in PE' heading. These questions would really help to push discussion further, and can be used at the end of any lesson, to help children reflect on the learning at a deeper level, as well as help them to verbalise their thoughts within a discussion.
Hopefully you will find these documents useful.