
Wow! What a brilliant time we have had learning all about Dinosaurs. The Puffins and Sparrows have enjoyed reading dinosaur stories and poems, dinosaur themed PE, creating patterns using dinosaur stamps, thinking of our own dinosaur names, making volcanoes, making fossils, hunting for dinosaurs in Dinosaur World and so much more!
One highlight of our topic was when we carried out an experiment to help us understand how fossils are made. We used bread (mud, sand, volcanic ash) and jelly snakes (moulded into an an ammonite, a dinosaur tooth, a pterodactyl and many other things) to recreate how fossils are made. We didn’t have many years to wait so we used heavy books and boxes to hurry the process along. When we took the heavy books and boxes off, the Puffins and Sparrows were very excited to see what was left behind!
Another highlight from our topic was when we had a very special visitor called Mary Anning (who had travelled all the way from Lyme Regis) to visit us. Mary showed us some of her fossils and tools and was even kind enough to leave some of her findings behind for us to have a closer look at.
If you would like to find out more about Mary Anning, take a look at the links below. During the half term why not visit the National History Museum in London to see some of Mary’s discoveries?